Category: >hidden gems in tech

The Untold Story of Roger Easton: Father of GPS

The Untold Story of Roger Easton: Father of GPS

Roger Easton may not be a household name, but his contributions have had a profound impact on our daily lives. As the visionary behind the Global Positioning System (GPS), Easton revolutionized how we... << Read More >>

The Legacy of Ivan Sutherland: Computer Graphics Pioneer

The Legacy of Ivan Sutherland: Computer Graphics Pioneer

Imagine a world without the stunning visuals we see in movies, video games, and virtual reality today. It’s hard to picture, right? The foundation of modern computer graphics can be traced back to o... << Read More >>

The Forgotten Innovations of Dennis Ritchie: C Programming Language

The Forgotten Innovations of Dennis Ritchie: C Programming Language

Dennis Ritchie may not be a household name, but his contributions to computer science have left an indelible mark on the world. Known primarily for creating the C programming language, Ritchie's work ... << Read More >>

George de Mestral and Velcro: From Idea to Everyday Use

George de Mestral and Velcro: From Idea to Everyday Use

Have you ever wondered how some of the most common items in our lives came to be? One such invention, which has woven itself into our daily routines, is Velcro. The story of Velcro's creation is as ca... << Read More >>

The Innovations of Ray Tomlinson: Email and the @ Symbol

The Innovations of Ray Tomlinson: Email and the @ Symbol

Ray Tomlinson might not be a household name, but his contributions to the digital world are monumental. In 1971, he sent the first email, a groundbreaking event that transformed how we communicate. To... << Read More >>

Unsung Heroes: The Women Programmers of ENIAC

Unsung Heroes: The Women Programmers of ENIAC

In the annals of computing history, the story of the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) stands out as a monumental achievement. However, behind this groundbreaking machine were six w... << Read More >>

George de Mestral and Velcro

George de Mestral and Velcro

Innovation often strikes in the most unexpected ways. For George de Mestral, inspiration came from a simple hike in the Swiss Alps. What began as a routine walk with his dog led to an invention that w... << Read More >>